A nature economy for Africa
who we are

A Foundation for Africa

The AWE for Nature Foundation is building a progressive conservation model for vast expanses of African wilderness to be preserved and financed for decades to come. Our mission is to conduct on the ground conservation operations while developing novel financial tools that will see nature truly re-established as the foundation of our society and economy. 

202,000ha of Pristine Wilderness

Our pilot project is the Chewore South concession in the Zambezi Valley, of North-Eastern Zimbabwe. This UNESCO World Heritage site of lowland dry savannahs and woodlands is home to some of Africa’s most precious biodiversity. At the core of our approach is the relationship between wilderness and the people surrounding it. 


Sowing the seeds of a nature economy

Africa receives 3% of global conservation funding, despite harbouring 25% of the planet’s biodiversity. Competition for limited philanthropy is hampering the holistic and collaborative approach needed to address humanitarian and environmental crises. Our role in building an economy that accurately values biodiversity and conservation, is to ensure that novel funding mechanisms, such as Biodiversity Credits, are designed around local needs and real on-the-ground impact. 

collaborative conservation

Focused on building operational capacity, we are working closely with National Parks authorities and African Parks through an incubation partnership. The long-term aim is the reintroduction of Black Rhino, extinct in Chewore South since 1994.

local priorities

We are integrating the needs of local people into our conservation strategy through close relationships with community leadership. For those who tend crops and livestock close to protected areas, the need to reduce human wildlife conflict has never been so pressing.

valuing nature

Our biodiversity monitoring programme will track and evaluate indicator species of fauna and flora across all taxonomies, from the mighty to the microscopic. The monitoring and independent verification of nature outcomes is the first step in building credible nature-based financial instruments.

How we Work

Radical new strategies for financing conservation are being developed across the world, such as voluntary and regulatory Biodiversity Credit markets. The AWE for Nature Foundation has been formed to become a leader in this space. 

We are using our on-the-ground presence to ensure that these emerging markets are built around local conservation priorities, rather than the other way around. Integrity and scalability must be at the heart of any financial innovation aimed at closing the biodiversity funding gap. 

The AWE for Nature Foundation is based in Geneva, and supports the Chewore Conservation Trust which is operated by a local team in Zimbabwe.

AWE infographic

Our Partners

Strong impact is possible through collaboration with others, we are proud to be partnered with leading organisations in conservation and nature-finance.

rePlanet is a world leading organisation in the development of Biodiversity Credits, we are working with them to ensure the highest scientific standards in the development of our monitoring and verification methodologies.

AWE was born from a close collaboration with My Trees Trust and we are aiming to work together with this trusted organisation to scale up both conservation and habitat restoration activity within Zimbabwe.

As the largest conservation organisation in Africa, our partnership with African Parks is invaluable. Their guidance, and technical experience helps to ensure that our conservation operations in Chewore South meet the highest standards.

Our essential collaboration with the Zimbabwean Parks and Wildlife Management Authority is centered around the lease of the Chewore South concession. Together, we aim to optimise management capacity within the area, and reduce illegal activity and human wildlife conflict.


Driving Lasting Impact

Contact us

We are a growing organisation actively seeking partners and expertise to support our impact and expansion, at all levels of AWE.